Video appointments

You can book an online, video appointment now through our online booking system. We politely request that all new patients have an online consultation first and use our advice to attempt to manage their problem first. In the majority of cases this will keep you going until we can arrange a face-to-face appointment with much less risk.
In the current situation, we are all having to adapt our lives significantly in order to "flatten the curve" and reduce the impact of the novel coronavirus on our family, friends and the rest of our society.
We are all doing our best to stay home, protect our NHS and save lives.
However, this doesn't mean our back pain, neck pain or anxiety just disappears. In fact, it may even be making those things worse.
This is why we have now implemented video consultations at our clinic. This way, we can keep you safe and at home, whilst providing you with the best self care you can access.
The consultations are easy to access. All you need is a desktop or laptop computer with Microsoft Edge (standard internet explorer), Chrome or Firefox and a private space.
These include:
- A thorough conversation about your current problem(s)
- Physical tests we can talk you through and demonstrate
- An explanation of your diagnosis
- Simple advice and exercises you can implement immediately to get some control
- A full report emailed to your inbox with access to videos for your exercises
A new patient chiropractic video consultation lasts 30mins and is charged at £35
Follow-up chiropractic video consultations last 15mins and are charged at £20
Hypnotherapy video consultations last 90mins and are charged at £95
You can book your appointment online here: